Bembidion (Microsinocys)
- Bembidion barkamense Toledano 1998
- Bembidion daxuense Toledano 1998
- Bembidion facchinii Toledano 1998
- Bembidion herbertfranzi Toledano 1998
- Bembidion jani Toledano 1998
- Bembidion luhuoense Toledano 1998
- Bembidion qinghaicum Toledano 1998
- Bembidion rebeccae Toledano 1998
- Bembidion schillhammeri Toledano 1998
- Bembidion schuelkei Toledano 2000
- Bembidion turnai Toledano 1998
- Bembidion wraseanum Toledano 1998
Toledano, L. 1998. Microsinocys, a new subgenus of Bembidion Latreille from western and southwestern China (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau, 68:27-45.
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Bembidion (Microsinocys)
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- First online 15 April 2004
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2004. Bembidion (Microsinocys) in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 15 April 2004 (temporary).