David Cannatella
- Aralobatrachus
- Eopelobates
- Kizylkuma
The †Eopelobatinae is an exclusively fossil group of pelobatoids that superficially resemble megophryids more than pelobatids in that they are more gracile and not obviously modified for burrowing. The genus †Eopelobates is well known in the Eocene of Europe and North America, and also known from the Late Cretaceous of Asia. Two other genera are known from the Late Cretaceous of Uzbekistan.
Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
Ford and Cannatella (1993) did not include the †Eopelobatinae* in their definition of Pelobatidae because of uncertainty concerning its relationships and monophyly. Some †Eopelobates appear to be more closely related to the living Pelobates than are Scaphiopus and Spea, so the subfamily may be an artifact of placing a group of extinct forms into a taxon. It is considered a metataxon of uncertain placement, either within Pelobatoidea, or the sister taxon of Pelobatoidea.
Ford, L. S., and D. C. Cannatella. 1993. The major clades of frogs. Herp. Monogr. 7:94-117.
About This Page
If you are interested in authoring or co-authoring the page for this taxon, or some part of it (even a species), contact David Cannatella.
David Cannatella
University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to David Cannatella at
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Page: Tree of Life
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Citing this page:
Cannatella, David. 1995. Eopelobatinae. Version 01 January 1995 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Eopelobatinae/16977/1995.01.01 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/