Roberto E. Reis- Lepthoplosternum pectorale
- Lepthoplosternum beni
- Lepthoplosternum altamazonicum
- Lepthoplosternum tordilho
Type-species: Callichthys pectoralis Boulenger,
The species of Lepthoplosternum are traditionally known, especially
in the world-wide aquarium trade, as "dwarf hoplos" and are frequently
identified as Hoplosternum pectorale. See the Complete
Catalogue for authorships, synonyms, type-localities, and references.
Lepthoplosternum is diagnosed by the possession of a single unbranched ray in the leading edge of the anal fin; and the lower lip with a small lateral notch in addition to the median notch.
Unlike all other genera of subfamily Callichthyinae, the species of Lepthoplosternum are absent in the northern portion of the South American continent, north of the rio Amazonas. The species are found in the upper rio Amazonas in Peru (L. altamazonicum), middle rio Madeira (L. beni), rio Paraguay (L. pectorale), and in the laguna dos Patos drainage (L. tordilho) in southern Brazil.
Key to the Species of Lepthoplosternum
- 1a. First dorsal-fin ray (including fleshy tip) comparatively longer (60.2-79.8% of head length) .....2
- 1b. First dorsal-fin ray (including fleshy tip) comparatively shorter (42.6-60.0% of head length) .....3
- 2a. First dorsal-fin ray almost as long as the second ray (20.5-24.7% of SL); caudal peduncle comparatively deeper (22.7-25.2% of SL); body comparatively narrower (cleithral width 79.3-90.8% of HL) .....Lepthoplosternum altamazonicum
- 2b. First dorsal-fin ray comparatively shorter (16.5-20.2% of SL); caudal peduncle comparatively shallower (17.6-22.8% of SL); body comparatively wider (cleithral width 94.7-107.4% of HL) .....Lepthoplosternum beni
- 3a. Body comparatively narrower (cleithral width 26.3-28.6% of SL); 25-26 scutes in upper lateral series; 22-23 in lower .....Lepthoplosternum pectorale
- 3b. Body comparatively wider (cleithral width 29.3-30.0% of SL); 24 scutes in upper lateral series; 21 in lower .....Lepthoplosternum tordilho
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Lepthoplosternum pectorale |
Location | Misiones, Paraguay |
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About This Page
Roberto E. Reis
Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia da PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Page copyright © 1996 Roberto E. Reis
Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
Roberto E. Reis.
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- First online 29 April 1996
- Content changed 22 April 1997
Citing this page:
Reis, Roberto E. 1997. Lepthoplosternum. Version 22 April 1997 (under construction). http://tolweb.org/Lepthoplosternum/15339/1997.04.22 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/