- Myrmotherula hauxwelli (Plain-throated Antwren)
- Myrmotherula guttata (Rufous-bellied Antwren)
- Myrmotherula gularis (Star-throated Antwren)
- Myrmotherula gutturalis (Brown-bellied Antwren)
- Myrmotherula fjeldsaai (Yasuni Antwren)
- Myrmotherula haematonota (Stipple-throated Antwren)
- Myrmotherula spodionota (Foothill Antwren)
- Myrmotherula ornata (Ornate Antwren)
- Myrmotherula erythrura (Rufous-tailed Antwren)
- streaked antwrens
- Myrmotherula surinamensis (Guianan Streaked Antwren)
- Myrmotherula longicauda (Stripe-chested Antwren)
- Myrmotherula brachyura (Pygmy Antwren)
- Myrmotherula ignota (Moustached Antwren)
- Myrmotherula pacifica (Pacific Antwren)
- Myrmotherula multostriata (Amazonian Streaked Antwren)
- Myrmotherula cherriei (Cherrie's Antwren)
- Myrmotherula klagesi (Klages's Antwren)
- Myrmotherula ambigua (Yellow-throated Antwren)
- Myrmotherula sclateri (Sclater's Antwren)
- Myrmotherula luctuosa (Silvery-flanked Antwren)
- Myrmotherula schisticolor (Slaty Antwren)
- Myrmotherula sunensis (Rio Suno Antwren)
- Myrmotherula minor (Salvadori's Antwren)
- Myrmotherula iheringi (Ihering's Antwren)
- Myrmotherula fluminensis (Rio de Janeiro Antwren)
- Myrmotherula grisea (Yungas Antwren)
- Myrmotherula unicolor (Unicolored Antwren)
- Myrmotherula snowi (Alagoas Antwren)
- Myrmotherula assimilis (Leaden Antwren)
Barnett, J. M., C. J. Carlos, and S. A. Roda. 2005. Renewed hope for the threatened avian endemics of northeastern Brazil. Biodiversity and Conservation 14(9):2265-2274.
Hackett, S. J. and K. V. Rosenberg. 1990. Comparison of phenotypic and genetic differentiation in South American antwrens (Formicariidae). Auk 107:473-489.
Isler, M. L., P. R. Isler, and B. M. Whitney. 1999. Species limits in antbirds (Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae): The Myrmotherula surinamensis complex. Auk 116:83-96.
Isler, M. I., D. R. Lacerda, P. R. Isler, S. J. Hackett, K. V. Rosenberg, and R. T. Brumfield. 2006. Epinecrophylla, a new genus of antwrens (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 119:522-527.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Myrmotherula snowi |
Location | ESEC Murici - Alagoas, Brazil |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Sex | Male |
Source | Myrmotherula snowi_Alagoas Antwren |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Copyright |
© 2007 Ciro Albano
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- First online 05 December 2007
- Content changed 22 August 2009
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