The Glasswings
Andrew V. Z. Brower- Ornipholidotos bakotae
- Ornipholidotos bitjeensis
- Ornipholidotos camerunensis
- Ornipholidotos congoensis
- Ornipholidotos emarginata
- Ornipholidotos etoumbi
- Ornipholidotos gabonensis
- Ornipholidotos irwini
- Ornipholidotos issia
- Ornipholidotos jacksoni
- Ornipholidotos jax
- Ornipholidotos katangae
- Ornipholidotos kelle
- Ornipholidotos kirbyi
- Ornipholidotos latimargo
- Ornipholidotos likouala
- Ornipholidotos muhata
- Ornipholidotos nguru
- Ornipholidotos nigeriae
- Ornipholidotos ntebi
- Ornipholidotos nympha
- Ornipholidotos onitshae
- Ornipholidotos overlaeti
- Ornipholidotos paradoxa
- Ornipholidotos perfragilis
- Ornipholidotos peucetia
- Ornipholidotos sylpha
- Ornipholidotos sylphida
- Ornipholidotos tanganyikae
- Ornipholidotos teroensis
- Ornipholidotos tiassale
- Ornipholidotos tirza
- Ornipholidotos ugandae
- Ornipholidotos mathildae
- Ornipholidotos abriana
- Ornipholidotos ackeryi
- Ornipholidotos amieti
- Ornipholidotos annae
- Ornipholidotos aureliae
- Ornipholidotos ayissii
- Ornipholidotos boormani
- Ornipholidotos carolinae
- Ornipholidotos dargei
- Ornipholidotos dowsetti
- Ornipholidotos ducarmei
- Ornipholidotos evoei
- Ornipholidotos francisci
- Ornipholidotos gemina
- Ornipholidotos ghesquieri
- Ornipholidotos ginettae
- Ornipholidotos henrii
- Ornipholidotos ivoiriensis
- Ornipholidotos jolyana
- Ornipholidotos josianae
- Ornipholidotos kennedyi
- Ornipholidotos kivu
- Ornipholidotos maesseni
- Ornipholidotos michaelae
- Ornipholidotos nancy
- Ornipholidotos nbeti
- Ornipholidotos oremansi
- Ornipholidotos sylviae
- Ornipholidotos tessmani
- Ornipholidotos goodgerae
Ackery PR, Smith CR, and Vane-Wright RI eds. 1995. Carcasson's African butterflies. Canberra: CSIRO.
Larsen, T. B. 2005 Butterflies of West Africa. Stenstrup, Denmark: Apollo Books.
Libert, M. 2000 Le genre Ornipholidotos Bethune-Baker au Cameroun. Description du genre Torbenia n. gen. Et onze nouvelles especes (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France 105, 433-466.
Libert, M., 2005. – Révision des genres Ornipholidotos Bethune-Baker et Torbenia (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). ABRI – Lambillionea, 174 p., 6 pl. coul.
About This Page
Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Andrew V. Z. Brower at
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Page: Tree of Life
Authored by
. The Glasswings.Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 19 May 2007
- Content changed 05 November 2007
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2007. Ornipholidotos http://tolweb.org/Ornipholidotos/106848/2007.11.05 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. The Glasswings. Version 05 November 2007 (under construction).