- Oxycanus aedesima
- Oxycanus aegrus
- Oxycanus albostrigata
- Oxycanus altenai
- Oxycanus antipoda
- Oxycanus armatus
- Oxycanus atrox
- Oxycanus aurifex
- Oxycanus australis
- Oxycanus ballux
- Oxycanus barnardi
- Oxycanus beltista
- Oxycanus buluwandji
- Oxycanus byrsa
- Oxycanus carus
- Oxycanus determinate
- Oxycanus diakonoffi
- Oxycanus dirempta
- Oxycanus discipennis
- Oxycanus dives
- Oxycanus eos
- Oxycanus fuliginosa
- Oxycanus gelidus
- Oxycanus glauerti
- Oxycanus goldfinchi
- Oxycanus goodingi
- Oxycanus hamatus
- Oxycanus hebe
- Oxycanus hecabe
- Oxycanus herbuloti
- Oxycanus herdus
- Oxycanus hildae
- Oxycanus incanus
- Oxycanus janeus
- Oxycanus kochi
- Oxycanus loesus
- Oxycanus lyelli
- Oxycanus maculosus
- Oxycanus mayri
- Oxycanus meeki
- Oxycanus naias
- Oxycanus nigra
- Oxycanus nigripuncta
- Oxycanus niphadias
- Oxycanus novaguineensis
- Oxycanus nuptialis
- Oxycanus oxidentalis
- Oxycanus perditus
- Oxycanus perplexus
- Oxycanus postflavida
- Oxycanus postxois
- Oxycanus promiscuus
- Oxycanus rileyi
- Oxycanus rosaceus
- Oxycanus rufescens
- Oxycanus salmonacea
- Oxycanus sirpus
- Oxycanus spadix
- Oxycanus sphragidias
- Oxycanus stellans
- Oxycanus serratus
- Oxycanus snelleni
- Oxycanus subochracea
- Oxycanus subvaria
- Oxycanus sylvanus
- Oxycanus tamsi
- Oxycanus thasus
- Oxycanus toxopeusi
- Oxycanus tyres
- Oxycanus xois
- Oxycanus waterhousei
Nielsen, E. S., G. S. Robinson, D. L. Wagner. 2000. Ghost-moths of the world: a global inventory and bibliography of the Exoporia (Mnesarchaeoidea and Hepialoidea) (Lepidoptera). Journal of Natural History 34 (6):823-878.
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- First online 10 February 2005
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Tree of Life Web Project. 2005. Oxycanus. Version 10 February 2005 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Oxycanus/11843/2005.02.10 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/