Plesioglymmius (Plesioglymmius s. str.)
Ross T. Bell- Plesioglymmius elegans
- Plesioglymmius silus
- Plesioglymmius compactus
Plesioglymmius s. str. is a subgenus with three known species from Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Mindanao.Characteristics
The apical stylet of the antenna is short but distinct. The clypeal setae are present. The median lobe of the head is oval and separated from the clypeus by a broad depression. The antennal sclerites are well separated. The medial margins of the temporal lobes are straight. The orbital grooves are present. The postorbit is evenly convex and has a postorbital tubercle. The temporal setae are present or absent. Most of the ventral surface of the head is pilose. There are 2-4 pairs of postlabial setae.

Plesioglymmius (Plesioglymmius s. str.) silus.
(A) Dorsal aspect of head and pronotum. (B) Lateral aspect of head. (C) Anterior aspect of head (semi-diagrammatic) with basal antennal segments.
Modified from Bell and Bell (1979). Copyright © 1979 Ross T. Bell and Joyce R. Bell.
The paramedian grooves of the pronotum are deep and long, about 0.95 of the length of the pronotum. Both median and paramedian grooves are punctate, but this is partly hidden by coarse pollinosity. The base of the elytron opposite interval I forms an angulate tooth. Both sexes have enlarged pits on abdominal sternum IV. Each abdominal sternum has a double transverse row of punctures.
Bell, R. T. and J. R. Bell. 1979. Rhysodini of the World part II. Revisions of the smaller genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae or Rhysodidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae 15: 377-446.
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Ross T. Bell
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USA
Page copyright © 2000 Ross T. Bell
All Rights Reserved.
- First online 01 March 2000
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Bell, Ross T. 2000. Plesioglymmius (Plesioglymmius s. str.). Version 01 March 2000 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,