- Palorini Matthews 2003
- Toxicini Lacordaire 1859
- Bolitophagini Kirby 1837
- Tenebrionini Latreille 1802
- Centronopini Doyen 1989
- Titaenini Fauvel 1905
- Heleini Fleming 1821
- Acropteronini Doyen 1989
- Alphitobiini Reitter 1917
- Triboliini Gistel 1848
- Ulomini Blanchard 1845
- Helopini Latreille 1802
- Helopinini Lacordaire 1859
- Amarygmini Gistel 1848
- Rhysopaussini Wasmann 1896
- Cerenopini Horn 1870
- Eulabini Horn 1870
- Apocryphini Lacordaire 1859
- Scaurini Billberg 1820
- Scotobiini Solier 1838
- Blaptini Leach 1815
- Praeugenini De Moor 1970
- Amphidorini Leconte 1862
- Pedinini Eschscholtz 1829
- Opatrini Brullé 1832
- Platyscelidini Lacordaire 1859
- Dissonomini Medvedev 1968
- Melanimini Seidlitz 1894
Bouchard, P., Löbl, I., and Merkl, O. 2007. Nomenclatural notes on tenebrionid beetles of the Palaearctic Region (Insecta: Coleoptera). Annales Zoologici 57(3):385-394.
Bouchard, P., Lawrence, J.F., Davies, A.E., and Newton, A.F. 2005. Synoptic classification of the world Tenebrionidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) with a review of family-group names. Annales Zoologici 55(4):499-530.
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- First online 03 November 2008
- Content changed 03 November 2008
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. Version 03 November 2008 (temporary).