John P. Friel- Xyliphius magdalenae Eigenmann 1912a
- Xyliphius barbatus de Armburu & Armburu, 1962
- Xyliphius melanopterus Orcés, 1962
- Xyliphius lepturus Orcés, 1962
- Xyliphius lombarderoi Risso & Risso 1964
- Xyliphius kryptos Taphorn & Lilyestrom, 1983
Although this genus is not well represented in most museum collections, it appears to be widespread in the Magdalena, Orinoco, Amazon and Paraguay-Parana systems. This is certainly due to the fact that these fishes are most common in deeper waters and most specimens have been collected in bottom trawls.
A genus of moderately sized banjo catfishes (up to mm 147 mm SL) distinguished from all other aspredinids by the following characters: eyes highly reduced; premaxillae toothless and displaced lateral to mesethmoid; row of fleshy papillae projecting anteriorly off lower lip as shown below; unculi and unculiferous tubercles flattened; lamina of pterotic are rounded; and lateral end of posterohyal expanded, Other characters not unique to this taxon but useful for identification include: openings of anterior nares with papillae; coronomeckelian absent, Meckel's cartilage with high ascending process; premaxillae edentulous; pre-axial serrations absent.

de Armburu, A. A., & Armburu, R. H. 1962. Una nueva especies de Xyliphius de la Argentina (Siluriformes, Bunocephalidae). Physis, XXIII(65): 219-222.
Eigenmann, C. H. 1912a. Some results from an ichthyological reconnaissance of Colombia, South America. Indiana University Studies, 16: 1-27.
Friel, J. 1994. A phylogenetic study of the Neotropical banjo catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Aspredinidae) Ph.D.thesis, Duke University, Durham, NC, 256 pp.
Orces, G. 1961. Hallazgo de peces de los géneros Xiliphius y Hoplomyzon en el sistema del Amazonas. Descriptión de una nueva especie. Ciencia y Naturaleza, 4(1): 3-6. Orces, G. 1962. Dos nuevos peces del género Xyliphius. Ciencia y Naturaleza, V(2): 50-54.
Risso, F. J., & de Risso. E. N. P. 1964. Hallazgo de una nueva especie de Xyliphius en el Parana (Pisces - Aspredinidae). Not. Mus. Cienc. Nat. Chaco, 1(2): 11-16.
Taphorn, D., & Lilystrom, C. 1983. Un nuevo pez del genero Xiliphius (Aspredinidae) de Venezuela. Rev. UNELLEZ Cienc. Tecn., 1(1): 43-46.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Xyliphius kryptos |
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John P. Friel
Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates, Ithaca, New York, USA
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. John P. Friel.
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- First online 05 July 1995
- Content changed 14 April 2000
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Friel, John P. 2000. Xyliphius http://tolweb.org/Xyliphius/15268/2000.04.14 in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/
. Version 14 April 2000 (under construction).