
Taxa Associated with the Family Alloposidae Verrill, 1881

Michael J. Sweeney and Richard E. Young

(data as of June 2002)

Nominal Genus-Level Taxa

Alloposina Grimpe, 1922:41.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Alloposus Verrill, 1880; [=Haliphron Steenstrup, 1859] [fide Nesis (1982:323)]

TYPE SPECIES. -- Bolitaena microcotyla Hoyle, 1904 (non Hoyle, 1886) by original designation

Alloposus Verrill, 1880:393.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Haliphron Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE SPECIES. -- Alloposus mollis Verrill, 1880 by monotypy

Haliphron Steenstrup, 1859:183.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Valid genus [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE SPECIES. -- None given. Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

Heptapus Joubin, 1929:11.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. -- Alloposus Verrill, 1880; [=Haliphron Steenstrup, 1859] [fide Nesis (1987:323)]

TYPE SPECIES. -- Heptapus danai Joubin, 1929 by monotypy


Nominal Species-Level Taxa (As Introduced Binomial)

Alloposina albatrossi Robson, 1932:220.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --?Haliphron sp. [fide Nesis (1982:323)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; Holotype [Hoyle (1904:9, pl 3 figs 6-11, pl 4 fig 1)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- Off Bindloe Island (0°19'N, 90°34'W), Galapagos Islands

Octopus alberti Joubin, 1895:18, pl 1, figs 3-4.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Undetermined; ?Alloposus [fide Robson (1932:256)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- MOM Holotype [station 59] [fide Belloc (1950:3)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- Gulf of Gascony, 43°53'N, 9°01'W [fide Robson (1932:256)]

Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861:332.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Valid species [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- 38°N, 34°W (Atlantic Ocean)

Heptapus danai Joubin, 1929:11, figs 14-15.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Alloposus mollis Verrill, 1880 = Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- ZMUC Holotype [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- 36°16'N, 74°33'W (Atlantic Ocean) [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

Alloposus hardyi Robson, 1930:397, text-figs 17-18, pl 4.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Alloposus mollis Verrill, 1880 [fide Thore (1949:67)] = Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- BMNH Holotype 1951.4.26.1 [fide Lipinski et al. (2000:111)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- 0°56'S, 14°08'W (Atlantic Ocean)

Alloposus mollis Verrill, 1880:394.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- NMNH Syntypes 382470, 574848, 729164, 729737 [fide Roper and Sweeney (1978:9)]

TYPE LOCALITY. -- 39°N, 70°W and various locations (Atlantic Ocean)

Alloposus pacificus Ijima and Ikeda, 1902:87.

CURRENT SYSTEMATIC STATUS. --Haliphron atlanticus Steenstrup, 1861 [fide Kristensen and Knudsen (1983:221)]

TYPE REPOSITORY. -- Unresolved; MSUT? Holotype

TYPE LOCALITY. -- Misaki, Sagami Prov., Japan [fide Robson (1932:218)]

Type Repositories

BMNH-The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England (formerly British Museum (Natural History)).  [For type catalog see Lipinski et al. (2000)]

MOM- Musée Océanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin, Monaco-Ville, MC 98000, Monaco.  [For type catalog see Belloc (1950)]

MSUT-University Museum, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyoku, Tokyo 113, Japan (includes former Tokyo Imperial University (TIU) collection and University of Tokyo Department of Fisheries (FUMT) collection).

NMNH-National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Avenue, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560, U.S.A. (formerly USNM).  [For type catalogs see Roper and Sweeney (1978); Sweeney et al. (1988)]

ZMUC-Kobenhavns Universitet, Zoologisk Museum, Universitetsparken 15, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark.  [For type catalog see Kristensen and Knudsen (1983); See also Volsoe et al. (1962) for Steenstrup papers]


Belloc, G. 1950. Catalogue des types de Céphalopodes du Musée Océanographique de Monaco. Bulletin de l'Institut Océanographique, 970:1-10.

Grimpe, G. 1922. Systematische ubersicht der europaischen Cephalopoden. Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig, 45:36-52.

Hoyle, W.E. 1886. Report on the Cephalopoda. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76, Zoology, 16(44):1-245, 33 plates.

Hoyle, W.E. 1904. Reports on the Cephalopoda. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, in Cambridge, 43(1):1-72, 12 plates.

Ijima, I. and S. Ikeda. 1902. Notes on a specimen of Amphitretus obtained in the Sagami Sea. Annotationes Zoological Japanenses, 4(3):85-101, 3 figures, 1 plate.

Joubin, L. 1895. Contribution a l'Éstude des Céphalopodes de l'Atlantique Nord. Resultats des campagnes scientifiques accomplies sur yacht par Albert I Prince souverain de Monaco, 9:1-63, 6 plates.

Joubin, L. 1929. Notes préliminaires dur les Céphalopodes des croisières du DANA (1921-1922). Octopodes - 2e Partie. Annales de l'Institut Océanographique, (new series)7(1):1-24, 21 figures.

Kristensen, T.K. and J. Knudsen. 1983. A catalogue of the type specimens of Cephalopoda (Mollusca) in the Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen. Steenstrupia, 9(10):217-227.

Lipinski, M.R., F.A. Naggs, and M.A. Roeleveld. 2000. Catalogue of types of Recent cephalopods in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa), 50(1):101-120.

Nesis, K.N. 1982. Abridged key to the cephalopod Molluscs of the world's oceans. Moscow: Light and Food Industry Publishing House, 385 pages. (In Russian; see Nesis, 1987 for abridged English translation)

Nesis, K.N. 1987. Cephalopods of the World; Squids, cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, NJ, USA, 351 pages.

Robson, G.C. 1930. Cephalopoda, I. Octopoda. Discovery Report, 2:371-401, 18 figures, 2 plates.

Robson, G.C. 1932. A Monograph of the Recent Cephalopoda. Part II. The Octopoda. 359 pages, 79 figures, 6 plates. London: British Museum.

Roper, C.F.E. and M.J. Sweeney. 1978. A catalog of the type-specimens of Recent Cephalopoda in the National Museum of Natural History. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 278:1-19.

Steenstrup, J. 1859. Prof. Stp. gav en meddelelse om to nye cephalopodslaegter Bolitaena og Haliphron. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobennavn, 1858:183.

Steenstrup, J. 1861. Foreviste derpaa en Afdeling af Museets seneste Forogelser af Blaeksprutteklassen, saerligen Octopodformer fra Middelhavet, og gav Bemaerkninger om de enkelte Arter, fornemlig efter det Veranyske Cephalopodvaerk. Videnskabelige Meddekekser fra deb Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhavn, 1860:332-333.

Sweeney, M.J., C.F.E. Roper, and F.G. Hochberg. 1988. Catalog of the type specimens of Recent Cephalopoda described by S. Stillman Berry. Malacologia, 29(1):7-19.

Thore, S. 1949. Investigations on the "Dana" Octopoda. I. Bolitaenidae, Amphitrelidae, Vitreledonellidae, and Allopsidae. Dana Report, 33:1-85, 69 figures.

Verrill, A.E. 1880. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England. American Journal of Science, (series (3)20(41):390-403.

Verrill, A.E. 1881. Report on the cephalopods, and some additional species dredged by the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer "Fish Hawk," during the season of 1880. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 8(5):99-116, 8 plates.

Volsoe, A., J. Knudsen and W. Rees. 1962. The cephalopod papers of Japetus Steenstrup; a translation into English. Danish Science Press, Copenhagen, 330 pages.

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Michael J. Sweeney

Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

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