
Joubiniteuthis portieri: Description continued

Richard E. Young
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Figure. Dorsal and ventral views of J. portieri, 89 mm ML, male, North Atlantic, 18°N, 61°W. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

  1. Arms
    1. Dorsal six arms very long and subequal in length; arms IV one third to one fourth as long as other arms.
    2. Each of dorsal six arms (Fig. A) with suckers in six series except at base.
    3. Each arm IV (Fig. B) with suckers in four series except at base.
    4. Arms with low and weakly developed protective membranes; broad lateral membranes on arms IV.
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      Figure. Oral views of arms III (A above) and IV (B above) of J. portieri, 89 mm ML, male. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

    6. Arm suckers with 6-10 teeth on distal half of inner ring.
    7. Basal arm suckers with different dentition: most proximal few suckers with smooth rings, following suckers with more pointed teeth.
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      Figure. Oral views of arm suckers of J. portieri, 89 mm ML, male: A, B, C - Inner rings of suckers from arm I. A - Sucker number 10; B - Sucker taken 4 cm from arm base; C - Sucker taken 6.5 cm from arm base. D, E, F - Inner rings of suckers from arm III. D - Sucker number 10; E - Sucker taken 4 cm from arm base; F - Sucker taken 6.5 cm from arm base. G- Sucker from arm III taken 6.5 cm from arm base showing outer ring. Arm sucker drawings maintain relative sizes. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

  2. Tentacles
    1. Tentacles slender.
    2. Club short (drawing below), laterally compressed (ie, deeper than broad). This peculiar club shape appears to be unique among squids.
    3. Club keel absent. Membranes at club tip are either modified protective membranes (trabeculae are absent) or new structures; protective membranes are lacking elsewhere on the club.
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      Figure. Oral view of tentacle-club of J. portieri, 89 mm ML, male. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

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      Figure. Side view of a tentacular club of J. portieri, Hawaiian waters, preserved. Photograph by R. Young.

    4. Club suckers with smooth inner rings.
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      Figure. Oral view of club sucker of J. portieri, 89 mm ML, male. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

  3. Buccal crown
    1. Oral face of buccal membrane with numerous finger-like papillae.
  4. Mantle
    1. Mantle long, slender, gelatinous.
  5. Fins
    1. Fins small, thick and gelatinous medially.
    2. Fins without anterior or posterior lobes.
  6. Pigmentation
    1. Surfaces of mantle, fins, funnel, head and arms bear small reddish-brown chromatophores.
    2. Chromatophores more closely packed on oral base of arms and both sides of buccal membrane.
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      Figure. Dorsolateral view of living but damaged J. portieri (e.g. broken tail) in a shipboard aquarium, off Hawaii, 65 mm ML. Photograph by R. Young.

  7. Gladius
    1. Gladius long and slender.
    2. Free rhachis about one third of gladius length.
    3. Vanes very narrow, folds ventrally and fuses in posterior third of gladius to form a secondary conus.
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      Figure. Ventral view of gladius of J. portieri with cross-sections, 89 mm ML, male. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

  8. Spermatophore
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    Figure. Spermatophore of J. portieri with enlargements, mature male, 105 mm ML, North Atlantic, 9°N, 78°W. Drawing from Young and Roper (1969).

  9. Measurements
  10. Location
    9°N, 78°W
    18°N, 61°W
    30°S, 13°E
    29°N, 80°W
    30°N, 80°W
    Mantle Length
    Tail Length
    Mantle Width
    Head Length
    Head Width
    Fin Length
    Fin Width
    Arm Lengths: Right / Left, Arm I
    200 / 200
    172 / 165
    174 / 190
    215 / -
     - / -
    86 / 100
    Arm II 240 / 220
    163 / 163
    200 / 220
    240 / -
     - / 175
    135 / 114
    Arm III 240 / 220
    175 / 183
    187 / 187
    230 / -
    195 / -
    115 / -
    Arm IV 70 / 70
    47+ / 64
    53 / 64
    78 / 75
     - / -
    31 / 31
    Tentacle Length: Right / Left  - / -
    157 / -
     - / -
     - / -
     - / -
    90 / -
    Club Length: Right / Left  - / -
    40 / -
     - / -  - / -  - / - 20 / -

    Measurements from Young and Roper (1969).


Young, R. E. and C. F. E. Roper (1969). A monograph of the Cephalopoda of the North Atlantic: The family Joubiniteuthidae. Smithson. Contr. Zool., No. 15: 1-10.

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University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

Page: Tree of Life Joubiniteuthis portieri: Description continued Authored by Richard E. Young. The TEXT of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License - Version 3.0. Note that images and other media featured on this page are each governed by their own license, and they may or may not be available for reuse. Click on an image or a media link to access the media data window, which provides the relevant licensing information. For the general terms and conditions of ToL material reuse and redistribution, please see the Tree of Life Copyright Policies.

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