Degner (1925) described M. schmidti from a single squid, 46 mm ML, that had both tentacles intact.

Figure. Oral view of a sucker of M. schmidti from the middle of arm II. Drawing from Degner (1925).

Figure. Oral view of a club sucker of M. schmidti. Drawing from Degner (1925).
- Arms
- Inner rings of arm suckers with 13-14 slender teeth distally; 11-12 broad, short teeth proximally (Degner, 1925) (drawing at near right).
- Arm sucker 0.15 mm in diameter (Degner, 1925).
- Tentacles
- Club length 60% of tentacle length (Degner, 1925).
- Proximally suckers in 7 series; become 20-23 series by distal third of club (Degner, 1925).
- Club suckers with smooth inner rings; outer rings with 13 placks medially; long pegs (3-4 times others) on distal placks (Degner, 1925).
- Club sucker 0.05 mm diameter (Degner, 1925).
- Funnel
- Funnel locking-apparatus with tragus and antitragus (Degner, 1925).
- Mantle
- Tubercules absent from mantle and elsewhere.
- Fins
- Fin length (without tail) 65% of ML (without tail); fin width 79% of ML (without tail) (Degner, 1925).
- Photophores
- Integumental photophores present over entire body, including dorsal surface of fins (Degner, 1925).
- Eyelid photophores absent.
- Pigmentation
- Color in alcohol pale brownish with dark scattered chromatophores.
- Measurements
Source Degner, 1925 Sex ? Mantle length 46 Mantle width 16 Fin length 30 Fin width 37 Arm I, length 18 Arm II, length 27 Arm III, length 28 Arm I, sucker no. 62 Arm II, sucker no. 80 Arm III, sucker no. 76-80 Arm IV, sucker no. 80-84 Arm IV, length 56 Tentacle length 135 Club length 86
M. schmidt is not clearly differentiated from M. grimaldii or M. agassizii. In both species eyelid photophores about the same size as the integumental photophores could have been overlooked. We place this species in the synonomy of the first-named species M. agassizii.
Type locality: North Atlantic, Bay of Biscay at 46°30'N, 7°00'W.