Figure. Dorsal view of the holotype of C. spoeli. Photograph by R. Young.
- Photophores
- Eyeball- Two series: lateral series (7 organs) = 1+5+1; medial series (seven organs) = 1+5+1.
- Viscera: two, large photophores.
- Club-tip photophore small, with papilla.
- One embedded in aboral surface of club at or just distal to proximal end of club (opposite trabecula 1 or 2).
- Pigmentation
- Distal photophore with chromatophores only.
- Proximal and middle sections of club with epithelial pigment but absent on oral surface of distal section while present on aboral surface in proximal half.
- Club sucker stalks with epithelial pigmentation and strongly pleated.
- Buccal membrane unpigmented.
- Olfactory organ with chromatophores on stalk and head.
- Arms
- Arms I 51-59% of ML
- Arms III 107-117% of ML
- Arms IV 178-194% 0f ML
- Largest arm III suckers with 8-14 broad, rounded teeth, fused laterally; more distal suckers with thin blunt teeth; more proximal suckers with broader, rounded teeth.
- Largest suckers globular.
- Tentacular clubs
- Club length 47-71% of ML
- Suckers with 5-7 pointed teeth over distal half of ring; no enlarged central tooth.
- Sucker stalks- two distinct parts; stalks of lateral and medial suckers about equal in length.
- Protective membranes
- Membranes in three distinctive sets with intermediate set broadest.
- Proximal set with ca. 18-19 slender, separate trabeculae (about 25% of club length).
- Intermediate set without distinct trabeculae (forms fleshy membrane) but opposite ca. 16 rows of suckers (about 35% of CL).
- Distal set with slender, separate, trabeculae opposite 23 rows of suckers (about 35% of CL).
- Head
- Head length 48-50% of ML.
- Head length 48-50% of ML.
- Funnel
- Funnel-locking apparatus with broad, protruding tragus and broad, well-developed antitragus; both overhang.
Description is from Salcedo-Vargas (1996) and re-examination of the holotype. Clubs of the holotype are stretched and distorted; counts of trabeculae are approximate.